Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
CHM 111 | General Chemistry I | 3 |
CHM 113 | Organic Chemistry I | 3 |
MTH 111 | Algebra and Trigonometry | 3 |
MTH112 | Calculus and Real Analysis | 3 |
PHY 1 1 1 | Mechanics, thermal physics and Properties of Matter | 3 |
PHY 113 | Vibration, Waves and Optics | 3 |
GST 1 1 1 | Use of English | 2 |
GST 112 | Philosophy and Logic | 2 |
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Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
CHM 122 | General Chemistry II | o |
CHM 124 | Organic Chemistry II | 3 |
MTH 123 | Vector, Geometry Statistic | 3 |
MTH 125 | Differential Equation and Dynamics | 3 |
PHY 109 | Practical Physics | 2 |
PHY 124 | Electromagnetism and Modern Physics | 4 |
GST 121 | Peace Resolutions and Conflict management | 2 |
GST 122 | Nigerian Peoples and Culture | 2 |
GST123 | History and Philosophy of Science | 2 |
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Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
CHE211 | Introduction to Chemical Engineering | 2 |
CVE211 | Strength of Materials | 3 |
ECP281 | Engineering Computer Programming | 2 |
EEE211 | Electrical Engineering I | 3 |
EMA281 | Engineering Mathematics I | 2 |
ENS211 | Engineering in Society | 2 |
MEE211 | Engineering Mechanics I | 3 |
MEE221 | Engineering Drawing I | 3 |
PRE211 | Manufacturing Technology I | 2 |
ELA201 | Basic Engineering Laboratory and Workshop Practice I | 2 |
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Course Code | Course Title | Credits | |
AGE202 | Agricultural Engineering Concept | 2 | |
CHE222 | Material Science | 3 | |
EEE212 | Electrical Engineering II | 3 | |
EMA282 | Engineering Mathematics II | 4 | |
MEE21 2 | Engineering Mechanics II | 3 | |
MEE222 | Engineering Drawing II | 2 | |
PRE212 | Manufacturing Technology II | 2 | |
ELA 202 | Laboratory/Workshop Practice II | 2 | |
21 | |||
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
AGE 301 | Farm Management, Rural Sociology and Agricultural Extension | 2 |
AGE 303 | Land Surveying, Map Reading and Photogrammetry | 2 |
AGE 309 | Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Laboratory/Field Practical I | 2 |
AGE 311 | Forestry and Wood Products Engineering | 2 |
AGE 3 13 | Nursery and Greenhouse Engineering | 2 |
ECE 341 | Engineering Geology | 3 |
EMA 381 | Engineering Mathematics III | 3 |
MEE 311 | Mechanics of Machines I | 3 |
MEE321 | Engineering Drawing III | 3 |
MEE351 | Thermodynamics I | 2 |
MEE 361 | Fluid Mechanics | 2 |
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Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
AGE 302 | Basic Agricultural and Bio-resources Engineering | 2 |
AGE 304 | Machine Component Design and Drawing | 2 |
AGE 306 | Aquaculture Engineering | 2 |
AGE 308 | Crop Production for Engineers | 2 |
AGE 3 12 | Animal Production for Engineers | 2 |
AGE 3 14 | Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Laboratory/Field Practicals II | 2 |
AGE 3 16 | Renewable Energy and Conservation Strategies | 2 |
CVE 344 | Soil Mechanics | 2 |
EMA382 | Engineering Mathematics IV | 4 |
MEE312 | Mechanics of Machine II | 3 |
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Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
AGE 401 | Advanced Agricultural and Environmental Engineering Laboratory/Computer Aided Design | 2 |
AGE 403 | Experimental Design and Analysis in Engineering Research | 2 |
AGE 411 | Irrigation and Drainage Principles | 2 |
AGE 413 | Farm Structures and Environmental Control | 2 |
AGE 421 | Farm Power and Machinery | 3 |
AGE 431 | Properties, Handling, Processing and Storage of Agricultural Materials | 2 |
CED300 | Introduction to Entrepreneurial Practice and New venture creation | 2 |
CVE415 | Technical Communication and Project Appraisal | 2 |
CVE421 | Hydraulics and Flydrology | 2 |
EMA481 | Engineering Mathematics V | 4 |
MEE441 | Metallurgy | 2 |
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Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
PRE571 | Engineering Economics and Administration I | 3 |
AGE 505 | Automotive Service and Maintenance | 2 |
AGE 507 | Agricultural Wastes Management Systems | 2 |
AGE 509 | Biological Engineering | 2 |
AGE 511 | Soil and Water Conservation Engineering | 2 |
AGE 521 | Land Clearing and Development | 2 |
AGE 523 | Agricultural Mechanization | 2 |
AGE 531 | Farm Electrification | 2 |
AGE 533 | Design and Construction of Farm Structures | 3 |
AGE597 | Project I | 3 |
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Core Courses
Course Code | Course Title | Credits |
PRE 572 | Engineering Economics and Administration II | 3 |
AGE 502 | Environmental Engineering | 2 |
AGE 506 | Professional Engineering Practice | 2 |
AGE 550 | Environmental Impact Assessment | 2 |
AGE 598 | Project II | 3 |
Soil and Water/Irrigation Electives (minimum of 8 credits}
AGE 510 Agricultural Land Drainage 2 | Agricultural Land Drainage | 2 |
AGE 5 14 | Advanced Hydraulics | 3 |
AGE 5 16 | Design of Irrigation and Soil Conservation Structures | 3 |
AGE 5 12 | Irrigation Systems | 2 |
AGE 518 | Rural Water Supply and Sanitation | 2 |
AGE 544 | Water Quality, Epidemiology and Environmental Chemistry | 2 |
AGE 546 | Natural and Environmental Resources Management | 2 |
AGE 548 | Engineering Quantities | 2 |
AGE 552 | Public Health Engineering | 2 |
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Farm Power and Machinery Electives (minimum of 8 credits’}
AGE 504 | Industrial Studies | 2 |
AGE 508 | Power and Machinery Systems | 2 |
AGE 522 | Agricultural Power Systems | 3 |
AGE 526 | Farm Transportation | 2 |
AGE 528 | Operations and Management of Farm Power and Machinery Systems | 2 |
AGE 540 | Agricultural Machinery | 3 |
AGE 542 | Mechanics of Deformable Bodies | 2 |
AGE 554 | Safety, Health and Ergonomics | 2 |
21 |
Processing and Storage (Post harvest Technology) Electives (minimum of 8 credits}
AGE 530 | Processing and Storage of Agricultural Materials | 2 |
AGE 532 | Engineering Properties and Handling of Agricultural Materials | 2 |
AGE 536 | Solar Energy Applications for Processing and Storage | 2 |
AGE 534 | Advanced Thermodynamics (Heat and Mass Transfer) | 3 |
AGE 538 | Food and Process Engineering | 2 |
AGE 556 | Industrial Waste Engineering | 2 |
AGE 558 | Unit Operations and Processes in Environmental Design | 2 |
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Farm Structures and Environmental Control Electives (minimum of 8 credits)
AGE 520 | Foundation Engineering | 2 |
AGE 560 | Design of Structures for Biomaterials Storage and Livestock Housing | 3 |
AGE 562 | Applied Biotechnology and Waste Handling Systems | 2 |
AGE 564 | Environmental Systems Management in Agricultural Engineering | 2 |
AGE 566 | Structures and Environment | 2 |
AGE 568 | Silviculture | 2 |
AGE 570 | Solid Waste Engineering and Air Pollution | 2 |
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Rural Electrification and Information Technology Electives {minimum of 8 credits’)
AGE 572 | Measurements and Instrumentation | 2 |
AGE 574 | Electrical Installations and Services Design | 3 |
AGE 576 | Telecommunication Engineering and Services Design | 3 |
AGE 578 | Electrical Power Generation, Transmission and Distribution | 2 |
AGE 580 | Control and Power Systems Engineering | 2 |
AGE 582 | Analogue and Digital Computers | 2 |
AGE 584 | Micro-Computer Hardware and Software Techniques | 2 |
AGE 586 | Information and Electrical Technologies | 2 |
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