Computer Engineering Department

Engr. Dr. Usiholo Iruansi
HOD, Computer Engineering
Computer Engineering involves the knowledge and skills directed towards analysis, planning and design of Computer System including hardware, software, networks for Data transmission and multimedia. Computer Engineering is also involved in the developing of new ways to tackle challenges in instrumentation, control, manufacturing and electronics by integrating computer capabilities.
Employment opportunities are available to graduate of the Department in the information technology industry, telecommunication industry, robotic industry, software companies, autonomous systems industry, financial sector, IC satellite communication firms, research organizations and consultancy firms.
Several opportunities exist for graduates to be self employed by developing consumer products for household automation, business intelligences solution, software design and ICT consultancy.
The philosophy of the Department of COMPUTER Engineering aims at the development of technical manpower at all levels for the sustainable economic growth of the nation and for humanity in general.
The main objectives of the Undergraduate Degree Programme in COMPUTER Engineering are the following:
- To empower our students to gain technical as well as the theoretical knowledge needed for leadership in the field.
- To maintain a high standard of standard of COMPUTER Engineering education through outstanding teaching, innovative research, output that addresses the changing needs of the society.
- To plan, design, construct and operate society’s technological and ICT infrastructure for the socio-economic enhancement of the nation.
- To engage students in basic and applied research in Computer Software and hardware design.
- To prepare the next generation of graduates as highly skilled and ethical professionals who can compete in a global competitive skilled market
A project work must be completed in the final year by each candidate. Project normally reflect relevance towards the technological needs of the country.
The programme is designed in such a way that the Philosophy and Objectives of the programme take cognizance of and be in harmony with:
- The Faculty of Engineering, University of Benin general philosophy and objectives on which the faculty was established.
- The philosophy and objectives of the National University Commission (NUC) “Minimum Standard” of January 2018 pertaining to Engineering and Technology.
- The Council for the regulation of Engineering in Nigeria (COREN) requisites for this area.
- Other regulation Bodies’ requisites such as The Nigerian Society of Engineers.
- The Nigeria’s National policy on Education and finally those Philosophies and Objectives Intrinsic and unique to achieving high academic and professional development in Electrical/Electronic Engineering in the country.
The department graduated its first intake of 1997/98 Session in 2002/03 session. These were UME level intakes. From the feedback received from industries and parastatals, the department is highly encouraged by glowing reports and document which we have received on the performance of the graduates of B.Eng. (Computer Engineering)
Academic Staff
S/N | Name of Staff | Rank/Designation | Qualification, dates obtained and Specialization, Membership of Professional association and number of publications |
2 | Engr. Prof. S.T. Apeh | Professor | B.Eng (FUTO, 1996) M.Eng. (UNIBEN, 2003), Ph.D (UNIBEN, 2010) MNSE, COREN Regd |
3 | Prof. E.A. Ogujor | Professor | N.D (Auchi, 1991), B.Eng (Uniben 1997) M.Eng (Uniben 2000), Ph.D (Uniben 2006), MNSE, MIEEE, MNIBE, COREN Regd. |
5 | Prof. (Mrs). S. Chiemeke | Professor | B.Sc (UNILAG 1986), MSc. (UNILAG 1992) Ph.D (FUTA 2004), MCOAN, MCP, MACN |
7 | Dr. O. I. Omoifo | Senior Lecturer | B.Eng (Uniben, 1998), M.Eng (Hiroshima 2004) Ph.D (Hiroshima 2007) MNSE, COREN Regd |
8 | Engr. C.N. Mokogwu | Lecturer 1 | B.Eng (Uniben 2005), M.Eng (Sheffield 2010) |
9 | Engr. Dr. U. Iruansi | Senior Lecturer/HOD | B.Eng (AAU 2005), M.Sc (Leicester 2009) |
10 | Engr. F. O. Osayamen | Lecturer 1 | B.Eng (Uniben 2004), M.Sc (East London 2009) |
11 | Engr. Dr. E. Esenogho | Lecturer 1 | B.Eng (Uniben 2008), M.Eng (Uniben 2012) |
12 | Engr Dr. (Mrs). A. Okosun | Senior Lecturer | B.Eng (Uniben 2009), M.Eng (Uniben 2013) MNSE, COREN Regd. |
13 | Engr. Dr. A. I. Edeoghon | Senior Lecturer | Dip in Computer Eng (Uniben 2000) B.Eng (Uniben 2005), M.Eng (Uniben 2014) MNSE, MIEEE, COREN Regd |
14 | Engr. Dr. E. Olaye | Senior Lecturer | Dip in Computer Eng (Uniben 2004) B.Eng (Uniben 2010), M.Eng (FUT Minna, 2015) Ph.D. (Uniben, 2017) MNSE, COREN Regd, |
15 | Engr. Dr. (Mrs) K.B. Erameh | Senior Lecturer | B.Eng (Igbinedion University 2010) M.Eng (Uniben 2014), MNSE, COREN Regd |
16 | Engr. O.O Odia | Lecturer II | B.Eng (Uniben 2010), M.Eng (Uniben 2015) MNSE, COREN Regd. |
17 | Engr. I.S. Udoh | Lecturer II | B.Eng (Uniuyo 2010), M.Eng (Coventry 2014) MNSE, COREN Regd. |
18 | Engr. A. Obayuwana | Lecturer II | B.Eng (Uniben 2010), M.Eng (Uniben 2015) MNSE, COREN Regd. |
19 | Mr.E. Evbuomwan | Graduate Assistant | B.Eng (Uniben 2009) |
20 | Mr.M. Omosigho | Graduate Assistant | B.Eng (Benson Idahosa Univ 2006) |
21 | Mr.I. Omosigho | Lecturer II | B.Eng (Uniben 2011), M.Eng (Uniben 2016) |
22 | Engr. A. U. Okere | Lecturer II | B.Eng (Uniben 2011), M.Eng (Leeds 2015) |
1. | Agbonkhese, B. | Higher Tech. Officer | ND, HND Elect/Power (Auchi Polytechnic 2010) | Technologist In charge of Supervision of Laboratory practicals with students |
2. | Eghomwan, T.O. (Miss) | Higher Tech. Officer | Dip. Computer Engineering (2002) | Lab technical officer In charge of Supervision of Laboratory practicals with students |
3. | Igbinedion, O. F. | Lab. Tech. II | Dip. Computer Engineering (2002) B.Eng Computer(2008) | Technologist In charge of Supervision of Laboratory practicals with students |
4. | Ikuvbogie, O. | Higher Tech. Officer | Diploma in Maritime | Lab technical officer In charge of Supervision of Laboratory practicals with students |
5. | Oshodin, D.O. | Higher Tech. Officer | ND (2006) HND, BSc (Computer Science, 2012) | 200 and 300 level laboratory supervision, maintenance of Laboratory equipment |
6. | Osarinmwian D.B | Programmer II | HND Computer Science, (Auchi 2008) | Programmer |
Administrative Staff
S/N | Name of Staff | Rank/Designation and Date of First | Remarks |
1. | Abdulwasui Badamasi | Senior Executive Officer, 2016 | B.A.Ed 1999 PGD Public Policy and admin BUK (2010) |
2 | Aideyan, E. I. (Miss) | Higher Executive Officer, 2015 | B.A. Ed English and Literature, Uniben 2012 |
3 | Edegbai, E. | Higher Executive Officer, 2011 | B.Sc Public Admin/Pol. Science (Uniben 2007) |
4 | Hamman, A.N. | Higher Executive Officer, 2013 | B.Sc Geography (2010) |
5 | Ijeh D. (Miss) | Senior Confidential Secretary, 2011 | HND Secretarial studies, 2009 |
6 | Negedu, Joy (Mrs) | Clerical Officer, 2013 | WAEC, NECO 2001 |
7 | Okhuoya, O. P. | Higher Executive Officer, 2015 | B.A. Educational Management (A.A.U, 2014) |
8 | Osagie, V. I (Miss) | Higher Executive Officer, 2013 | B.Ed Human kinetics (Uniben 2012) |
9 | Ponuwei, T. Charity (Miss) | Administrative Assistant, 2014 | B.Sc Bus. Admin (A.A.U 2011) |

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